
Monster Beats ght heart I i

Door one horse six flight paths come up a time to gallop about, between each ocean the freedom sails, quick speed, the pirate ships of all countries are all too far behind to catch up.With thus of deliver cargo speed, was imaginable to have the forerunner's fire steamer hereafter bring ship owner of huge profits ……
Is boiling in the thundering applause, crowd, if the argosy boat visits dynamic Macau gulf of fishes in, the machine voice ring into one of noisy medium, a few unattractive"little Long Chuan" Tu Tu come in.This kind of ship actually and from ship type in Fukien in past minimum of"Cang mountain iron" improvement since then, wood structure, have never defendoofed to have no artillery, only have available force to would be a few fire guns, some simple torpedos on board, this is also soldier factory in Macau to give they these be engaged in dangerous of investigate a staff member to figure out of the biggest possible protection strength.The quick ship structure of"Cang mountain iron" is the most suitable to match to investigate to patrol, added the smallest scaled steam engine and then became"little Long Chuan", still keep useding for detective, in clear and ordered pattern- become "small east factory" intelligence report organization of three hero inferiorities in the overseas to at the sea deliver the main pileup of information.Once I beckon with the hand, the flag signal officer who signal hint nearby puts them to come in and depend in helping the gold tooth high big Xian.
An intelligent and capable fisherman pants noisily to climb to come up and walked to me to nearby go a gift, loudly way:"Report a commander officer, Zhejiang urgently reports!"
"Speak!"At heart of a kind of unexpected heavy feeling set of, I see from the facial expression of this intelligence people can't be what good matter, sink a voice to ask a way.
"Circumlittoral Japanese invaders in Zhejiang distinctly enters to make, thief's ten thousand remaining, thousand ships.Already nine ghost water soldiers onrush arrives the east elephant mountain, rather sea and peach Zhu variously, Qi after the light lead the soldier is struggling hard;The Jin water soldier attack in island gulf in Hangzhou, the thief Kou Feng hugs, Li Jia's fleet connect win.But the dint is weak to can not stand up.Have already backed into city in Hangzhou, get righteousness people regiment Qi city mutually anti-!Zhejiang is debauched,Monster Beats, situation in great danger, the Qi general and Li Hua Mei sends letter my gold tooth board of trade in Hangzhou and requests commander to soon and soon send troops to assist, late perhaps cannot compare with!"
My Ao however a smile:"Only thief Kou, at the right moment shot Kui it, go fetch for me'concuss Wo'fiesta ensign!"
BE about to release a battle to orderany, and then have the intelligence report the officer to come up a hasty report:"Report!Great friend house, long believe in my department house consociation water soldier handed over a boundary waters to ambuscade big You support warfare in Zhejiang of Yu in Zhejiang, Fukien of fleet, support all of the fleets to put out.Navy main force in Fukien only gets a self-preservation, does the best to prop up coastal defense in Fukien and has no left over strength anti- Wo in support Zhejiang again.The Yu general says that Fukien not the Lao commander gives a lot of care, all of Zhejiangs relies on a gold tooth fleet.Moreover Yu general also says, Japanese invaders probably the south flee and call the general notice mainland in Guangdong defend."
Discussion when subordinate signed in succession, red female pirate Carter Lin Nuo and sea devil king Fu Lang west Si toward me please fight a way:"Zhejiang Wo in Fukien suffers from urgently.We rather divide a soldier according to it."I wry smile way:"In fact, Long Yu Da Dun You in Fukien is there also not necessarily so arrive where, he says he can with the self-preservation, but can make the always tough Fukien dragon speak self-preservation this kind of frustrated words.Big friend it suffices to show grow to believe in my department house severe, it suffices to show coastal defense in Fukien of worsen.At present this situation, perhaps also only divide soldier's one way, the Yao woulds be a drum to annoy to upwards beat to go to Zhejiang, Fukien and breaks the truth that didn't pass by Fukien to directly rescue Zhejiang!Anotherly don't say, if Fukien is disorderly, I the gold tooth fleet ground the back route is cut off, this Yu big You want to let me does the open and dominant mighty army right on the spot take a food?"Some kind of words, saying to win public support will get to all smile.
This intelligence report officer doesn't come then, then and almost is to come to ground together, the third intelligence report officer came again.I almost want to ask the overseas three heros, the official document friendly intercourse of this small east factory processing whether being to put off for a long time, criticizing together today is processed?Three heros in the regrettable overseas aren't in front of me.This intelligence report officer's news but is misty, but arouse my attention more:"Three heros in the overseas report to commander the officer notice, Japanese invaders this comes to threatening force huge, seem the water soldier west of Qing whole country enters, can not ignore.Zhejiang, Fukien since and in great danger, Guangdong the nature can not by luck hope commander to work well mainland to defend a work."
The card ties a Lai sneer way:"There is a skill letting they the impish son come, the grandpas recently hand up disappear blood, Yang get very!"
Gram the Li Si Ting Nuo also way:"The defense of fort in Macau there are these 100 red Yi big guns and presume into make of Wo ship, come in one to knock 1.Is unique worry of is total Guangdong soldier's Liu Xian's adult there, his defense line in the coast lead long, even if is already stir several ten red Yi big gun and 10,000 fire guns in the past, perhaps can not defend, either so long ground coast line, can particularly defendoof a few big circumlittoral city bays."
Everyone is paying to recruit.Carter Lin Nuo ponders a way:"Now that cannon in the coast defend not enough tight, our battleship brigades still need to go on expedition to rescue a Xi river of Fukien, Guangdong is local if ever fort fixed-point's defendoofing is also passive to suffer beating, not equal to ……put they come in how?" Er and add inside immediately exciting way:"Good good, we lead a cent of regiment of people of righteousness of gold tooth soldier to ambuscade and establish a pocket for them to drill to come in!"
To last time ride a step to resist to practice Be impressed with of Deng Zi Long a say with smile:"Still not is such, Li Cheng Liang is numb to expensively ride a gun brigade current quickly mobile ability, and then strongly mount sudden attack to kill to harm dint, in the middle support, tube call they come go to not get!"
Everyone is at present a bright, this strategy good!Hope to ride toward those 2s will, this 2 people but vomit up and down to reverse on the deck, complexion hair white, hearing me at ordering will have spirit have no strength:"Stop worrying, the land cavalry handed over to two of us, the affair of sea, say that the dead cans not take care of, either!"
Secret agent again way:"Send back a ground of news in intelligence report informant in Japan according to us, devil king knits farmland letter on the sixth day long after the three rivers long Xiao greatly hurts the tiger of A Fei more of the big brigade of riding of Long Shuang Xiong soldier, the influence is vigorous, this summer sea the offensive very likely would be what he plan.The back even has the shadow of foreign influence.Hear in the Ting of boundary, knit farmland letter to grow to ask businessman to raise soldier funds, have to arrive 200,000 Guans at a time, got Japanese commercial circles tycoon's ground strong dint support very obviously.The commander can not drop with the light heart."
I involuntarily stuck out ear.The foreign influence participates ……supporting strongly of commercial circles tycoon ……this in the center includes what scheme, have more severe empress?Why believe long can get the Ting businessman's support of boundary, with medium what connection does the dynasty associately have to the company war policy in day?Medium the dynasty associately obtain good effect to this a few months of war policies of companies in day, large sum of silver and Japanese beauty flow into my Macau and biggest enriched purse and the soldier prostitute's camp of Macau, should give credit ground for this policy.I am just wanting to strongly promote this company to fight a policy to keep on continuing, loot more advantages, now but receive Japanese invaders distinctly take the offensive and day the company support the news of war ……although the affair hasn't become clear, I ain't understand either, this news really in time, I decide again the etc. see and observe again for a while, this to I decide hereafter of the great government policy is extremely important, compare under, Wu Tian Xin Xuan and top Chinese fir Qian believes these 2 to declare the news of Japanese the soldier absolute being class person fiasco, on the contrary shortage for value.

The preface of chapter 313- anti- Wo of the third anti- Wo fights in 60's
Renew time:2009-4-315:17:59 chapter word numbers:5779

"Knit farmland letter long ask businessman to raise soldier funds in the Ting of Japanese boundary, have to arrive 200,000 Guans at a time!What about us?I don't believe local businessman in our Macau will have no the company of day generosity, will keep on comparing for somebody else, make small Japan smile our Chinese businessman to lack patriotic spirit!"In the wharf, I stand on Gao Gao's ship's bow and emphatically brandish the mood of signal expression my concussion, big four stir up to the businessmen of underneath.
The businessmen public sentiment is boiling, play trick, we will have no the company in day rich, will compare their want for patriotic spirit?The gold tooth adult says like this that absolutely be severity ground indignity!Humiliated us the sense of pride of businessman's community in Macau!We want money not darned businessman, but we also want a face, the time in this key, the publics in Macau all want to be rich to pay someone person, the board of trade is a group, is also must take out aggressive reaction.The gold tooth fleet is us through Related articles:

